Heather O'Connor
Heather produces unique items of silverware. She takes her influence from a number of sources, in particular garden design and architecture, exploring ideas of space, structure, boundaries and composition and often combines precious metal with structural materials such as wood or concrete to give her work a unique modern twist.

Exhibiting at:

De Vroomen
David Fowkes Jewellery
Styles Silver

5th to 30th June
26th June to 8th July
5th to 26th June
Contact:      www.heatheroconnor.com
James Dougall
My work is an exploration of line and form combined with function to produce well crafted objects that the viewer can immediately connect with. Current work re-evaluates shagreen for both its durability and decorative merits in a way that enhances the traditional skills that I use to produce my work. New silver for a new audience.
Exhibiting at: Palterman & Thomas
Payne & Son
Styles Silver
John Higgins Contemporary Silver
7th to 21st June
7th to 30th June
5th to 26th June
7th to 17th June
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